(to) take (smth) into consideration
- (to) take (smth) into consideration
фраз. гл.
учитывать (учесть)
принимать во внимание
принимать в расчёт
|| judge took the boy's age into account
подсчитывать (что-либо)
Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого.
И. Мостицкий.
Смотреть что такое "(to) take (smth) into consideration" в других словарях:
take into consideration — • take into account • take into consideration (smth) remember and consider Please take into account that she has only been studying French for a few weeks. to include as one of the important factors or things connected with a question,… … Idioms and examples
take into account — • take into account • take into consideration (smth) remember and consider Please take into account that she has only been studying French for a few weeks. to include as one of the important factors or things connected with a question,… … Idioms and examples